Questions to Ask at your Next IVF Consultation
These IVF Consultation Questions should be asked before an IVF Cycle, and will allow you to understand how the office will fit into your lifestyle, and how responsive the office is to your life outside of an IVF Cycle.
General Questions
Will you have the same Doctor Throughout an Entire Cycle ?
Will a Doctor be available to answer your questions over the phone or in-person as you cycle ?
Are there Early and Late Office Hours, convenient for people that work, and are there weekend hours (Saturday and Sunday)?
Do you perform transfers and retrievals on weekends and holidays ?
Do you have any planned office closings ?
Do you allow acupuncture to be performed in the Office in support of a cycle ?
Can my partner be present for all procedures ?
Will you provide me with an IVF schedule that includes both medicine and monitoring ?
May I work during a cycle ?
Will I be able to work after embryo transfer, and will I need to remain in bed?
If I get pregnant, what week will I need to transition to an obstetrician ?
Will I get to choose which Doctor will do my retreival and embryo transfer ?
What percent of your cycles result in multiple pregnancies ?
How often do you see cases of hyperstimulation in your office ?
When should I refrain from intercourse during a cycle ?
How do changes in Law around Abortion impact medically necessary abortions and frozen embryos in your office ?
Questions about Testing
What conditions have you successfully treated ?
Are you familiar with MTHFR, and how would you treat ?
What tests do you recommend if I suffer from recurrent miscarriage ?
Do you test for clotting factors ?
Can you perform all Fertility Diagnostic Procedures in your office ?
Do you perform uterine scratch and biopsy ?
Questions about Natural Treatments
Do you work with an acupuncturist that provides service in your office ?
What vitamins to boost fertility do you recommend ?
Is there a specific diet that I should follow ?
How much folic acid should I be taking ?
Are there any male fertility supplments that you recommend ?
Financial Questions
How will I know what part of my treatment Insurance will cover ?
Do you only work with your own Fertility Pharmacy, or may I use my own choice ?
Do you have unused medication that is unexpired that I may use for my cycle ?
If I am paying cash, do you offer a discount ?
What do you charge for Embryo freezing and what are your quarterly charges ?
Do you offer a shared risk option ?
What financing options are available and when are payments due ?
Do you do "mini ivf" procedures with minimal stimulation ?